Untitled Bazooka Ball Game System

Bazooka Ball Fun For Kids of All Ages & Mom & Dad Too!
Just like our original PhazerZone™, Bazooka Ball™ is the most awesome combination of Laser Tag and Paintball!
It provides the same adrenaline rush for seasoned players but is also great for younger players too!


Use with our NEW HK Army Marker.
Our patented barrel attachment also fits all standard Tippmann 98 Paintball Markers. Adaptors available (at 12.95 each) for other Paintball Markers including JT, Spyder, BT, Tippmann FT-12, Auto Cocker markers.

$59.95 each



2 inch foam balls made specifically for our Bazooka Ball Barrel. Dimpled for fast travel and longer flight. Safe for indoor or outdoor play. NEW and improved with a phosphorescent skin our Bazooka Ball now glows 50% brighter under blacklights. And it's still the same price! Balls fly from 30 to 100 feet!

.95 cents each
Box of 500 for $445.00

A Bazooka Ball weights 11 grams. Paintball Markers can be adjusted to 43 feet per second.
Amount of energy put out is .94478 Joules.
This is GOOD NEWS for all countries with strict gun laws because the Bazooka Ball would
be considered "a toy" and does not need a licence.

Bazooka Ball HK Army Saber Marker $139.95 each
(with adaptor, a $12.95 value)

Bazooka Barrel at $59.95 each

Bazooka Ball Mesh Game Mask
$39.95 each

Bazooka Ball 12 oz C02 Tank
$39.95 each

add a Deluxe C02 Fill Station
$585.00 each

Our patented Bazooka Ball Barrel is designed to fit standard Tippmann 98 Paintball Markers as well as our NEW Bazooka Ball Vertex Marker
But with this small adaptor (below right) the Bazooka Ball Barrel can be made to fit other brands of Paintball Markers as well!

Adaptors are available for JT, Spyder, BT,
Auto Cocker and Tippmann FT-12 markers
for only $12.95 each

If you wish to purchase Bazooka Ball Game Barrels
or Bazooka Balls you can call 905-430-7677
or email us at info@mvisioninc.com

Bazooka Ball can be played outdoors or indoors using regular paintball markers and 2" foam balls.

See more of our Bazooka Ball Arena Games at Media Vision!



Glow-In-The-Dark "Nerf style" balls that will work ONLY with the Nerf Rival gun.

ONLY .22 cents each
or 1000 for $220.00

Note: These balls DO NOT fit our Bazooka Ball Barrel.
For use with the Nerf Rival Gun only.

Bazooka Ball Game System


From the creators of the
Award Winning Bazooka Ball combat game comes
Bazooka Ball Archery!

The Glow-In-The-Dark version of our bow makes a perfect addition to any excising Bazooka Ball combat arena or entertainment fun center facility. Play using our electronic impact vests and scoreboard system or without.

Our lightweight custom designed bow is easy to use and perfect for players of all ages.

The specially made ball cup fits both our 2" foam Bazooka Ball as well as the Nerf brand Rival Ball.

Shoots up to 120 feet!

Summer and youth camps are discovering that Bazooka Ball Archery is also great for outdoor play as well. Combine our Bazooka Ball Archery bow with our mesh player team vests, complete with removable ball bags and you are ready for non-stop action and fun!

Available in standard Black or
Glow-In-The-Dark versions!

Turn your arena into a
9 hole Mini Golf course INSTANTLY
with Bazooka Ball

Durable Glow-In-The Dark moulded Mini Putt Golf Holes.

Stackable for easy storage.

Complete with LED lighted hole flag poles, Glow-In-The-Dark putters, balls and accesories.

Kid tested and Family approved for tons for Fluorescent Fun!

And it's easily portable too!
A perfect addition for any rental or party event company!
Build a 9 hole Mini Golf course in any backyard or field or open space!

Bazooka Ball

Creator and Manufacturer of The PhazerZone Paintless Paintball Combat System,
Plazma Force Laser Tag, Bazooka Ball, Inflatable Amusements, Bouncers & Target Games
4 Cannon Court, Whitby ON Canada L1N 5V8
Tel: 905-430-7677 Fax: 905-430-1944 Toll Free: 1-800-672-9401
Product descriptions subject to change.

Bazooka Ball (TM) is a registered Trade Mark of Media Vision Inc.
Copyright © Media Vision Inc. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
Except as otherwise required by applicable law, any reproduction, distribution, modification, retransmission, or publication
of any copyrighted material is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the copyright owner, Media Vision Inc.